Strength Training
Article: Finding Guidance Through Injury and Movement Mastery
I was proud to contribute to the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s most recent magazine issue. Read it here. If you’re ready to get fit, please reach out. Contact me here to book an assessment. Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N) – Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Certified Personal Training Specialist – CanFitPro Functional Movement Screen Certified Biomechanics Specialist Steve…
+ Read MoreKettlebell Ladders and Pyramids
Using ladders and pyramids to structure your kettlebell workouts allows you to string together multiple exercises and it gives you a target to work towards. Watch the workouts in these videos to see what I mean. Contact me here to book an assessment. Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N) – Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Certified Personal…
+ Read MoreFull Beginner Kettlebell Interval Workout
Once you’re familiar with a few of the basic kettlebell drills, here’s a simple way to practice the positions and skills and get a great workout at the same time. If you need more help, please reach out. Contact me here to book an assessment. Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N) – Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Certified…
+ Read MoreWhat is Fitness Minimalism?
Fitness minimalism is about first learning how to move your body in all planes of motion and discovering an awareness of how your body moves in space before adding external loads. Once you begin to understand how to express movement purity, you can begin to add loads for resistance such as kettlebells, clubbells, and free…
+ Read MoreStretches and Mobility Drills For Hips and Shoulders
Flexibility and mobility are often confused but are not the same. Practice stretching after workout and/or warmups but never while cold. Mobility drills can be done on their own, used as warmups or cool downs. Optimally, you should practice stretching tight muscles and mobilizing sticky joints every day. I put a few of my videos…
+ Read MoreGetting Fit Step 1: Find Your Space
I’ve never really had a real problem with motivation. Perhaps that’s because I don’t take my fitness goals too seriously. I take my health seriously, just not too seriously. I’m sure it definitely has something to do with the fact that I really enjoy working out and being active. But there certainly are times when…
+ Read MoreComplex Beauty
My favourite thing to do with a kettlebell, or sometimes two kettlebells, is some type of complex or chain of movements. Basically, this is a series of moves done unbroken, back-to-back, for a prescribed amount of repetitions. In the complex I’m using in the video, I’m doing single repetitions for each movement on one side…
+ Read MoreFitness On The Go
If you’re the type who doesn’t use vacation time as an excuse to veer off your fitness plan, then a simple TRX and bodyweight workout may be just for you. Bringing a TRX along when you travel allows you the opportunity to get an efficient and challenging workout done right in your hotel room. Or…
+ Read MoreBite-Sized Fitness
Everybody has the same 24 hours. You can choose to use it wisely. It’s true that sometimes doing absolutely nothing is time very well spent. Other times, try using a couple minutes at a time, a few times, over the course of the day to move you body and get in some exercise reps.…
+ Read MoreTight Neck and Shoulders?
The best thing to do for shoulder and spine health is to practice movement. Parts of you spine are meant to move in many different planes and your shoulders love to move around in space. Try this sequence daily and you will love the results. Your golf swing will never be better. Contact me here…
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